Need an expert on capybaras, narwhals or other weird critters? Find a first-grader.
The magnificent elephant, the most enormous land animal in the world, captivates its observers with its awe-inspiring and ...
Every holiday season, Cristin Abrams, a behavior coordinator with Laconia schools, collects donations of new and gently used ...
The Alice Fire Department opened their doors to WAMS National Junior Honors Society Wednesday, Dec. 18. The students ...
TRAK offers equine assisted learning and therapy for anyone older than 5 years old with the goal to create long lasting ...
A Laconia school staff member has pioneered a program to help share the comfort of a stuffed animal with children.
Girl Scout Troop #70449 delivered 63 stuffed animals to the local EMS staff, purchased with $500 in proceeds from their ...
After a month of generous giving from our community, the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office donates stuffed animals from this ...