Eren Yeager, the anime character from Attack on Titan, transformed from a sentimental young man who wants to join the Survey Corps and annihilate the Titans to a reckless Titan-Shifter who caused ...
Voice actors Yuki Kaji and Yui Ishikawa, who play Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman in 'Attack on Titan,' revealed how their personal struggles aligned with their characters' pain during the finale ...
One particular moment in the MV, referencing Attack on Titan's protagonist, Eren Yeager, further fueled the ... their eyes which can be a reference to AOT (in which when human transforms into ...
Mikasa’s final act of mercy in ending Eren’s life released Ymir, the founder of Titans, symbolizing the end of the Titans' curse and the beginning of potential peace for Eldians. This ...