The manga series' ending credit panels, titled Attack on Titan Casts, featured the main protagonist trio (Eren Yeager, Armin Arlett, and Mikasa Ackerman). The scene saw the protagonist trio as the ...
the Attack on Titan movie will pick up where episode 87's The Dawn of Humanity left off: an assembled team of allies and one-time enemies – including Mikasa, Levi, Gabi, Armin, and Annie ...
A live orchestral performance for the Attack on Titan soundtrack is coming to several ... one-time enemies – including Mikasa, Levi, Gabi, Armin, and Annie – aiming to put an end to Eren's ...
Attack on Titan - Part 1 [Collector's Edition] (BD+DVD) 2014-06-03 Attack on Titan - Part 1 [Limited Edition] (BD+DVD) 2014-06-03 (from $274.96) Attack on Titan - Part 2 (BD+DVD ...
As per The Hollywood Reporter, Crunchyroll is gearing up to release the finale of Attack on Titan in North American theatres, over a year after the famed anime series bid adieu. And just like that, ...