When a liquid metal cools and turns into a solid, its atoms come together to form crystals. The structure of these ... between other layers during the crystal's formation; sometimes there are ...
Understanding material transformations at the microscopic level is crucial for advancing technology. Researchers from Japan ...
Researchers have uncovered key insights about how liquid crystals, materials capable of forming complex ordered structures, ...
Supersolids are materials that seem to defy conventional logic and expectations. At a glance, a supersolid might appear to be a traditional solid due to its ... Continue Reading → ...
the researchers created a crystalline solid out of 1a molecules, which are cyclic oligophenylenes with CO 2 H functional groups in the inner portion of their ring-like structure. When forming this ...
Dislocations are one-dimensional defects that occur in real crystalline solids and control their plastic deformation. The presence of dislocations permits atomic planes to slip "one atomic row at a ...
It focuses on understanding structure-property relationships in materials using mathematical and graphical descriptions of structure, symmetry, and matter tensors in crystalline and noncrystalline ...
This textbook provides students with a complete working knowledge of the properties of imperfections in crystalline solids. Readers will learn how to apply the fundamental principles of mechanics and ...