The Sarah Jane Adventures follows the exploits of the Doctor's feisty former companion ... their schoolmate, Rani and Mr Smith, their well-spoken supercomputer. Add to that Sarah Jane's famous ...
She and the Doctor go way back. Everything about the latest epic! See the Doctor regenerate! ...of the Tenth Doctor. Get the latest updates Elisabeth Sladen Watch Episode Trailer ...
Sarah Jane Adventures Series 1 (2007) - Prepare to be scared as one of Doctor Who’s most famous companions - Sarah Jane Smith - combats evil alien forces here on Earth. Starring Elisabeth Sladen.
Doctor Who has made the impossible seem normal by regenerating over and over again, like a Time Lord who doesn't want the adventure to stop.
Ahead of the brand new second series of Doctor Who spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures, all ten episodes of Series One are to be shown again. Starting on Sunday 31 August at 2pm and running for ...
Big Finish release The Curse of Time - a special which celebrates 50 years of Tom Baker's Doctor and features his original ...