Struggling with anxiety while job hunting? Learn practical tips for self-care, networking, and seeking help to manage stress ...
In psychiatry, where few biologic markers for disease exist, family and follow-up studies provide the scientific infrastructure for diagnosis and classification. Familial transmission is a strong ...
Supplementary insurance coverage for complementary health services (Yes) 202 55.0 Has a family physician (Yes) 308 83.5 Comorbid anxiety disorder (social anxiety disorder, panic disorder ...
I wasn’t always an anxious person, but after a depression diagnosis 6 years ago, I was quickly overwhelmed with symptoms that ...
While not a formal diagnosis itself, high-functioning anxiety describes a person who overworks themselves to deal with ...
Worries Often Don’t Come True Scientific evidence suggests that most of our worries don’t come true. LaFreniere and Newman ...
Thanks to unrelenting propaganda from the establishment media, a large number of Americans are suffering from what is ...
Women may struggle to get diagnoses for health problems, including sleep apnea and heart conditions, early enough if their ...
Stress can shape how memories are formed, a study in mice suggests. The findings could point the way to future treatments for ...
Acute stress has been shown to prevent mice from forming specific memories, instead leading to more generalized memories ...