This rather yellowish green warbler, named for its least conspicuous character, forages lower than many species. It lays 4 to 5 eggs (March–May in west, June in east) in its nest on or near the ...
This warbler nests near the ground in a shrub such as rhododendron. Females, with their overall gray-green plumage and virtually no blue, are able to hide well while nesting. This bird's song is a ...
WILMINGTON, N.C.— The Center for Biological Diversity and partners today filed a legal petition with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect the coastal black-throated green warbler (also known ...
So, where you can see them? Recently, the greenish warbler arrived in Bengaluru, after flying thousands of kilometres from the mountains of Central Asia. In Chennai, water birds are among the ...