Michael Dorn has been a part of Star Trek since Star Trek: The Next Generation began in 1987. His most recent appearance was on the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard.
Few people understand "Star Trek" from the inside as intimately as actor Michael Dorn, who has portrayed the Klingon warrior ...
might have found its next DC animated movie trilogy ... View this post on Instagram Michael Dorn warned Star Trek Explorer (via Trek Movie) “many things have to happen” before Worf can ...
And I actually am slowly but surely retiring. When Michael Dorn was tapped to appear on Star Trek: Picard, it was a situation in which he couldn't say no due to the money and the story.
Michael Dorn takes a "never say never" approach to his future in Star Trek as Worf, explaining why the series process is complicated. Published Fri, 29 Nov 2024 07:37:07 -0600 by Tom Chang ...
Michael Dorn as Worf in Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+. Photo Cr: Sarah Coulter/Paramount+. © 2023 CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. When asked directly if he ...
Worf in "Family Guy" (Peter's Got Woods episode) Lt. Worf in "Star Trek: Armada" (VG) Lt. Worf in "Star Trek: Away Team" (VG) Lt. Worf in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen" (VG) Lt.