Florence Nightingale’s pioneering legacy lives on at the UAB School of Nursing, where her example of skilled, compassionate care guides our efforts to train future generations of clinicians, ...
Florence Nightingale was so much more than a lady ... on a journey that would transform nursing and hospitals in Britain. Florence was named after the Italian city of her birth.
Florence Nightingale provides a rich learning opportunity to explore this concept as her name is still used today when discussing nursing. For example, one way in which the country tried to deal ...
As the war progressed, the Confederate soldiers under her care came to call her ‘mother ... “The Florence Nightingale of The Army of Northern Virginia." While her nursing vocation kept ...
Florence Nightingale left countless gifts to the world of nursing, and some of those treasures are in the possession of UAB’s Reynolds-Finley Historical Library—48 letters, a newspaper clipping, and a ...
to Florence Nightingale, on the centenary of her death. The chapel is reached via steep steps and an appointment should be made with the Vergers at the Abbey to unlock the chapel. The Nurses' memorial ...