Migrating birds seen by Crane ... and travels of sandhill cranes, the tall, smoke-gray birds that gather by the tens of thousands each spring along the Platte River in central Nebraska.
They will be judged on their quality, style and originality. Arjun Jenigiri (USA) captures the beauty and power of an airborne formation of sandhill cranes. Drawn to Nebraska’s Platte River by the ...
Hundreds of thousands of sandhill cranes stop along the Platte River in Nebraska during an annual migration. (Nick Ut/AP) Review by Jane Eisner Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) is often described as the ...
Suddenly, over the mild cacophony of various feeder birds out back, I heard the faint guttural rattling of sandhill ... a ...
IFLScience on MSN2mon
How Far Can Cranes Fly?
Every spring, more than 500,000 sandhill cranes gather in Nebraska’s Platte River Valley during their northward migration, a ...
Video provided by Crane Trust Fall migration at the Crane Trust doesn’t draw the huge flocks of people — or birds — to central Nebraska ... The central Platte River Valley, where the trust ...