Clean air then enters the two bronchi, one bronchus going to each lung. The bronchi in the lungs split into smaller and smaller tubes called bronchioles. These end in microscopic air sacs called ...
Treatment focuses on management of symptoms. This includes medications to ease cough and physical discomfort and to lower fever.
A team of scientists from the University of Leeds, England, has designed a robot with tentacles that is able to explore the lungs and penetrate the smallest clefts of the bronchi. With it ...
Bronchitis develops due to infection Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi. Inflammatory processes can develop for ...
I was recently sick with what I thought was the flu. I had a fever, sore throat and a terrible cough. I have asthma, so my husband insisted that I see our family doctor.
The gas exchange system is made from key parts, each of which has a different function. Bronchus The trachea splits into a left and right bronchus (plural: bronchi), each leads to a lung. Background The International Olympic Committee–Medical Commission (IOC-MC) accepts a number of bronchial provocation tests for the diagnosis of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) ...
The fascinatingly diverse detail of a rat’s bronchial epithelial surface. Long, hair-like structures, known as ciliated cells, are important for the bronchi’s self-clearing mechanisms.
An 80-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease was transferred to our critical care unit because of hemoptysis. While the patient was being moved into the critical care bed, resuscitation became ...
Asthma is a form of bronchial disorder caused by inflammation of the bronchi. It is characterized by spasmodic contraction of airway smooth muscle, difficulty breathing, wheezing and coughing.