VMware launched a slew of new products and initiatives at VMWorld 2019 Europe on Tuesday around NSX, Kubernetes, Workspace ONE and made Carbon Black’s new cloud security portfolio available for ...
在2024年11月,VMware宣布其桌面虚拟机管理软件VMware Workstation Pro和Fusion Pro将对所有用户—including商业用户—免费提供,这一重大调整无疑引起了业界的广泛关注。继个人用户获得免费使用权后,这一举措进一步扩大了工具的可及性,标志着虚拟化技术的普及化进程加快。
VMware Tanzu is rapidly gaining market momentum as enterprises and developers across the globe leverage Tanzu’s Kubernetes capabilities to build modern applications faster than ever before.
微软、甲骨文和IBM均已有所行动,Andy Jassy领导下的服务器租赁巨头亚马逊云科技自然不甘落后。亚马逊云科技已正式发布符合博通许可方案的VMware即服务产品。即将推出的Amazon Elastic VMware Service (Amazon ...
VMware vSphere with Kubernetes provides a unified approach to infrastructure that is uniquely suited for hosting both traditional workloads and modern, cloud-native applications. For application ...
Spectro Cloud provides storage, networking and other layers, like security, that are necessary to orchestrate a Kubernetes ...
The carrier at that time said they had tested and onboarded “dozens” of cloud-native 5G network functions from “multiple ...
Continent 8 consolidates infrastructure for cloud services and backs Nutanix as it gains influence over product roadmap and ...
VMware has announced that its VMware Fusion ... test labs and experiment with other OSs by running virtual machines and Kubernetes clusters on Windows, Linux, and macOS devices.
Another update is designed to help the VMware Avi Load Balancer improve its ability to handle Kubernetes at scale. The ...
Configurations for native data services. Helm-based COTS application support with advanced cluster management for containers on VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated. A Cloud Foundry-like ...