The system is operated using PerkinElmer Volocity software. The Nikon Eclipse TiE is a fully automated inverted microscope outfitted with two light sources for fluorescence imaging: a Heliphor ...
Description: - 2 Diopter. Eyepieces: Extra Wide Field 10X is standard with the unit. 20X can be purchased as an extra option. 10X and 20X Cross Hair Eyepieces available as an extra option. Objectives: ...
More information: Aaron T. Mok et al, A large field-of-view, single-cell-resolution two- and three-photon microscope for deep and wide imaging, eLight (2024). DOI: 10.1186/s43593-024-00076-4 ...
FLoid can be used free of charge. 3I Marianas (3I intelligent Imaging Innovations) is a fluorescence microscope designed for imaging live cells with multiple colours and techiques. Available imaging ...
The upright Leica DMRXA microscope is equipped with a wide range of objective lenses from 10-100x, optical filters for routine four color imaging with a xenon lamp, motorized X, Y, and Z, and a CCD ...
This microscope uses a high-intensity Prior Scientific Lumen 200Pro 200-watt metal halide lamp, motorized filter wheels with Chroma and Semrock optical filters, a Prior Scientific H117 motorized, ...
Researchers at Cornell have unveiled an advanced imaging technology capable of unprecedented deep and wide-field visualization ... The innovative microscope, named DEEPscope, combines two-photon ...