Ants are common pests that can invade your home, contaminating food, damaging wood and testing your sanity. While there are ...
Flying ants and termites are not the same thing. Here are the differences and what you can do about an infestation.
Odorous house ants are about 1/8-inch long and are fast ... All ants like moisture, and carpenter ants excavate soft, water-damaged wood and can cause further structural damage to your home.
There are two main species of wood ants - hairy wood ants and red wood ants. Hairy wood ants are a northern species in the UK, but they are found as far south as mid Wales. They are less fussy ...
In project SpecIAnt we study speciation and hybridization using wood ants as a model system. We focus on the recently diverged Formica rufa group wood ants, many of which occur in Southern Finland ...
If you weighed every human and all the ants, the scales would balance. The resin of conifer trees contains antibiotic chemicals and is harvested by the European wood ant to disinfect their nests.
Woodland Trust Scotland said hairy wood ants boosted carbon absorption in woodland, but they risk being overwhelmed by gaultheria shallon. Volunteers surveyed nests over the winter at the trust's ...
There are about 60 species of ant in the UK, and they all live in complex colonies. The types of ant you see flying will depend on where you are. For example, in woodland you may see wood ants. All ...
Today, native Californian ant species like harvester ants and odorous house ants, among others, continue to face the invasive territorial threat posed by the Argentine ants. Much like the cane ...