A superhero film series based on the Marvel character Spider-Man, portrayed by Tom Holland. The series is centered on Peter Parker, an academically gifted but socially inept high school student ...
The updates on Spider-Man 4 and its cast have been scarce, but Willem Dafoe has teased his return as Green Goblin. There’s a ...
No Way Home. It’s such a monumental accomplishment, and easily the best live-action Spider-Man movie (I’d rank the animated ...
There is no information about the cast of the fourth installment of Spider-Man. The film Spider-Man: No Way Home ended with Peter Parker isolated as his friends MJ and Ned forgot about him because ...
Ryan Reynolds and Andrew Garfield recently participated in a special joint interview and had much to say about one another.
In December 2024, Pascal also gave us the first plot details for Spider-Man 4 and confirmed, unsurprisingly, that it was going to follow on from No Way Home. "We have to deal with the fact that he ...
Spider-Man (Tom Holland) in international No Way Home trailer 2 footage. Image source: Sony Ned can only open portals, apparently. It’s him who will bring Strange back later in the movie.
No Way Home's post-credits scene, and a newly released side-by-side comparison shows just how much Sony Pictures decided to ...
Considering the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Marvel could take the character in many different directions and how others ...