Three animated series — respectively focusing on Spider-Man, Wakanda and zombies — will debut as well, meaning only April, September and November will pass without a new Marvel project premiere.
Due to the sheer amount of MCU projects released so far, and the amount of realities explored from Earth 616 to the Multiverse, the Marvel timeline can be... quite tricky, to say the least.
Marvel Rivals fan projects are going off the rails... or so the internet is saying. In one video circulating on X, these hilarious gaming graphics depict Professor Charles Xavier of the X-Men, ...
Students discovered the sheds had been broken into and their gear cleaned out when they arrived on campus on Monday. They are thousands of dollars out of pocket, but they are also on deadline to ...
The anticipation for upcoming Marvel movies as well as upcoming DC movies may be higher than ever, considering the insane amount of new films on the bill. There are plenty of comic book movies ...
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