Tough prunings and garden waste will rot down quicker in the compost heap if you shred it first, but you'll need a reliable and quick shredder that will help you whizz through the job. There are two ...
All plants in your yard need soil with a proper amount of essential nutrients, vitamins, and other all-around good stuff to thrive and grow beautifully, so purchasing the wrong additives can do your ...
Homeowners with trees in their garden know how much of a hassle the lawn-caring chore is to keep your property spotless. When leaves fall, “How to get rid of them?” is the very first thing to come to ...
Composting is a great way to recycle organic waste into nutrient-rich soil for your garden, but it can sometimes be a slow process or produce less-than-ideal results. Enter pine needle oil!
Garden beds require a few components ... of mulch and then water the entire bed to kick off the compost process. A good reason to build your bed now is so it gets to “cook” over the winter ...
Instead of spending ages bagging up fallen leaves from the garden, there are ways you can use them to spruce up your outdoor ...
This article delves into cost-effective tips and tricks for building and maintaining DIY composting toilets in the African context. Choosing the right location is key for a composting toilet.
A woman is using a power tool to build a raised garden bed. - Egon69/Getty Images When temperatures drop and daylight wanes, our pace slows, we hunker down inside, and we do our best to stay warm ...