The Hindu has added 4,61,000 readers nationally over Q3, which is 1,03,000 readers more than what The Times of India did, as per the Indian Readership Survey’s recent report released by the ...
You will be amazed at the skills that Bob Munden displays with pistols and rifles. This includes fast draw, card splitting with both pistol and rifle, multiple shot finger fanning, pistol spinning ...
So, check out our guide on the fastest TTKs in BO6, if that’s what you are looking for. But if you’re a Warzone fan, here’s the TTK for every gun in order of which one kills the fastest.
Sahil Chauhan of Estonia holds the record for the fastest century in T20 International Cricket. He scored a century in 27 balls against Cyprus on 17th June 2024. Sikandar Raza of Zimbabwe etched ...
The speed gun malfunctioned and clocked Mohammed Siraj's ball at an astonishing 181.6 kmph (kilometre per hour). This meant that the Indian pacer had bowled the fastest delivery in the history of ...