Rohit Shetty shared New Year photos with his son, Ishaan, expressing love and joy. They recently enjoyed a trip to London and Paris. Shetty's latest film 'Singham Again' features a star-studded cast.
(MENAFN- IANS) Mumbai, Dec 25 (IANS) bollywood filmmaker Rohit Shetty is currently on an“all boys trip” with his teenage brother. Soaking in the Christmas fervor, the father-son duo went ...
Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty are continuing their box office success with the release of Singham Again. In a recent interview with Pinkvilla, Rohit revealed some exciting news: Golmaal 5 is ...
Filmmaker Rohit Shetty recently shared a post featuring ... void Irfan Khan left behind As soon as the director shared the photo, likes and comments poured in from all sides.