Mini scleral lenses with a 15-mm diameter improve perceived comfort and quality despite showing similar performance to 16.5-mm lenses.
Adobe's Lightroom is unquestionably the leading professional photo workflow software. But which Lightroom should you use?
Int Ophthalmol Clin. 2013;53(4):1-10. Delayed presentation of corneal trauma or severe injuries may result in corneal perforation and loss of corneal tissue. These injuries are more difficult to ...
Adv Neonatal Care. 2005;5(6):301-314. Chromosome 7 COL1A2 (collagen, type 2, alpha 2) Same Chromosome 9 COL5A1 (collagen, type 5 alpha 1) Same Chromosome 2 COL5A2 (collagen, type 5, alpha 2) Same ...