This Specifi cation and Description provides general information about the design, performance, and standard equipment of the Skyhawk (Model 172S), Serial Number 172S12745 to TBD (hereinafter Skyhawk 172, Skyhawk, or Aircraft).
MODEL 172S NAV III GENERAL GFC 700 AFCS U.S. INTRODUCTION This POH contains 9 sections, and includes the material required to be furnished to the pilot by 14 CFR 23. It also contains supplemental data supplied by Cessna Aircraft Company. Section 1 provides basic data and information of general interest. It
MODEL 172S Loading Graph information for the pilot, passengers and baggage is based on seats positioned for average occupants and baggage loaded in the center of the baggage areas as shown on the Loading Arrangements diagram. For loadings which may differ from these, the Sample Loading Problem lists fuselage stations for these items to indicate
MODEL 172S The Pilot's Operating Handbook in the airplane at the time of delivery from The Cessna Aircraft Company contains information applicable to the Model 172S airplane by serial number and registration number shown on the Title Page. This handbook is applicable to airplane serial number 172S8001 and On. All