  1. 麝貓 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    • 麝貓(英語:civet)又名麝香貓,是一种小型、纤瘦、多为夜行性的哺乳动物,原产于热带亚洲和非洲,尤其是热带森林。“麝貓”一词用于十几个不同的物种,主要属于灵猫科动物,其物种多样性主要在东南亚。麝貓并不构成单系群,因为它们只限于灵猫科、食蟻狸科与双斑狸科的某些成员。 麝貓的身體細小及柔軟,大部份棲息在樹上。一般外表像貓,但鼻端較長及 … 展开


    麝貓是舊世界熱帶的原住民,分佈在地中海以南差不多整個的非洲馬達加斯加伊比利亞半島,延及台灣、中國華南等地區 … 展开


    麝貓全年都會生育,妊娠期為60-81日。一些物種每年會產兩胎。每一胎約有1-6隻幼貓,出生時已經有毛。有關牠們的交配習性所知甚少。 展开



  1. Asian palm civet - Wikipedia

  2. 麝猫 - 百度百科

  3. 麝貓 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

  4. Civet - Wikipedia

    A civet (/ ˈ s ɪ v ɪ t /) is a small, lean, mostly nocturnal mammal native to tropical Asia and Africa, especially the tropical forests. The term civet applies to over a dozen different species, mostly from the family Viverridae. Most of the …

  5. The Asian Palm Civet: An Overview of Its Characteristics …

    2023年9月14日 · The Asian Palm Civet, also known as the civet cat, is a small mammal native to Southeast Asia. This fascinating creature has gained attention for its unique characteristics and interesting habits. Understanding the Asian …

  6. Common Palm Civet - Facts, Information & Pictures

    The Common Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), also known as the’ Asian Palm Civet’ ‘Musang’ or the ‘Toddy Cat’, is a cat-sized mammal that resides in the Southeast Asian tropical rainforests. The Common Palm Civet is found …

  7. Asian Palm Civet - Animal Spot

    The Asian Palm Civet (pronunciation: ‘ey-zhun paam si-vit’) is a small cat-like arboreal native to South Asia. Though they are famous for assisting in the production of the world’s most expensive coffee, they are often considered as …

  8. Asian Palm Civet: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More …

    Despite its cat-like appearance and behaviors, the Asian Palm Civet is not a feline. It’s actually a member of the Viverridae family, which also includes genets and mongooses. Asian Palm Civets have scent glands that they use to mark …

  9. ADW: Paradoxurus hermaphroditus: INFORMATION

    Asian palm civets are frequently called “weasel cats” due to their similar appearance to both animals. Asian palm civets are small, weighing only about three kilograms with an average body length of 50 centimeters, and a tail that …

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