If you want more detailed information about Lukkustafir and Galdrastafir in general please visit my main page. As found on web search: There is an image seen multiple times throughout the internet when doing an image search on the word Lukkustafir .
Galdrastafir is very much an Icelandic tradition from the early modern European era. There was not any tradition of tattooing there, however that probably has more to do with resources; Icelanders did not have access to needles or ink to make tattoos.
Initially used during the Viking age on Norse gravestones it gradually faded out of use along with all other runic writing, except in Iceland where the tradition continued. Not only were they used there for the purpose of writing in general but they were also used in magic, including charms, spells and their Galdrastafir - magic symbols.
It is one of many dated from the late 18th to the early 20th centuries featuring collections of runic alphabets and/or galdrastafir that were used in earlier times. The first half comprises a list of 329 runic rows or alphabets, some recognisable but most very cryptic.