Maney Aircraft, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of the new line of Next Generation Pneumatic Cabin Pressure Leakage Testers (PCPLT). The new PCPLTs were designed primarily with the user in mind.
The F-86 SabreJet and its Navy cousin the FJ Fury saw extensive action during the Korean conflict. The U.S. Air Force used the F-100 as a primary attack aircraft for many years in Vietnam. Maney supported these aircraft as long as there was a requirement including their extensive use as target drones.
Installation & Training Sprague Systems Engineering offers optional installation and training of its test systems. Training is available at our Ontario, CA facility or can be conducted on site at the customer’s location.
Maney Aircraft at least one week prior to the calibration due date. You are not authorized to perform calibration on Maney Aircraft owned equipment. Return all equipment to the attention of the “Gauge Lab”. Standard gauges, such as thread …
Hydraulic. 30 SERIES (oil or water service)* The most compact series available, the 30 SERIES power units are for those applications requiring minimal space. The ...
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