Aqua Land Is it the Magicone you will be whirled around or Space Rocket where you will be the water astronaut? You will not get enough of fun with the surprising, exciting and adrenaline-filled slides of Tema Park.
The Land of Legends
Masha ile Koca Ayı, benzersiz hikayelerinin tüm detayları ile dünyada ilk kez The Land of Legends Tema Park’ta!
Adventure Land 使用我们的62米高的超级过山车在空中冲天的同时,您可以使用525米长的台风过山车,体验充满肾上腺素的体验。 Aqua Land 是您将要旋转的Magicone还是您将成为水上宇航员的太空火箭?